My first DSLR camera fall to Olympus..i was suprisingly that i choosed Oylmpus E620 DSLR..i was actually plan to get Canon 500d..yet do some survey on net and even today when some store and check around the pricing for Canon 500d...guess what,i found the cheapest price for Canon 500d on this store..but i was mentioned to the sale person i dont need video recorder...end up the guy introduce me the Olympus E620..so i was like kena poison and so bought it..the sales girl on the same time do told me when the guy not around i can actually get this cheapest price and Olympus is dead in market and hard to find lense...currently feel abit of regret by getting Olympus...cause i found out for DSLR is better to get Nikon d5000 or Canon 500d...yet the price is quite near...anyway in order to take good picture...the man behind the DSLR camera play a big role...lol